
👋 Hi! I'm Amber, and this is my calendar booking page.

I'd be delighted to schedule some time with you to discuss Level Up Academy and answer any questions you may have about our school community!

Lower down this page, I've included a list of FAQs that you may wish to review prior to scheduling a call.

How would you prefer to meet?

Tuition-free Charter School in White Bear Lake, MN
Serving Grades K - 8

In-Class, Online & Hybrid Learning Pathways

General FAQ

How was Level Up Academy founded?

Level Up Academy opened in the fall of 2015.  A group of parents and grandparents in White Bear Lake, MN, were inspired by their childrens’ experiences in a classroom setting that used online tools and games to personalize learning. 

One of the grandparents happened to be a Minnesota legislator who was familiar with Minnesota's innovative charter school law.  She created the Level Up Academy founding board, which included parents, grandparents, and influential members of the Minnesota legislature and charter school movement. 

The founding board designed Level Up Academy to personalize learning for students with an intentional use of technology. 

Click this link to see a Ted Talk from a student whose experience inspired Level Up Academy: 

FAQ image

What does it mean to be a charter school in Minnesota?

Charter schools in Minnesota are free and public schools that receive state and federal funding.  Instead of having a geographical boundary like a typical district school, charter schools in Minnesota have a particular area of educational  innovation.  Level Up Academy’s charter is for personalized learning with intentional use of technology.  

FAQ image

What does the enrollment / admissions process entail?

See below for a detailed explanation.

How does personalized learning work at Level Up Academy?

At Level Up Academy, we use a blended learning model to personalize learning. We use Learner Profiles and assessments to target individual student needs. Then, while teachers deliver instruction to small groups of students with common needs, students use online tools and hands-on activities to practice skills at just the right level.

Learner Profile
Each student completes a strengths assessment and interest profile so we can understand and teach each unique child.


Students take the Star Assessment and teachers do informal assessments to create a personalized pathway for each student.  

Small Group Instruction

Students with similar needs meet with the teacher for small group direct instruction.

Personalized Pathways

While others are meeting with the teacher, students use online tools personalized to their needs. 

Games & Activities
Students practice skills with games and hands-on activities.  


Students work on projects to apply and deepen their learning.  

Trophies & Badges

As students learn content and master new skills, they earn digital trophies and badges.

Digital Portfolio

Students share their best work in their Digital Portfolio. 


Teachers meet weekly with students to monitor progress and provide support.   

Student Centered Conferences

Families meet with teachers to celebrate learning, set goals and provide support.

Learning Celebrations

Students celebrate learning with classrooms, families and our community during learning celebrations!

What are the school hours?

Our school day runs from 8:30 a.m.  - 3:00 p.m.  

For the Live and Fusion programs, arrival time is 8:15 - 8:30 a.m.  Dismissal time is 3:00 - 3:15 p.m.  

Do you offer bussing?

Yes, we offer bus transportation within the White Bear Lake School District.  Families who live outside the district may drive their children to school.  Families may also drop off and pick up their child at the nearest White Bear Lake district bus stop.

Do you offer before and after school care?


Do you provide computers?


In the Live and Fusion programs, our K-2 students use iPads and our 3-8th grade students use Chromebooks.  

In the Virtual program we provide all students with new Chromebooks free of charge for use during the school year. 

Students are welcome to use their own technology if that is preferred. 

Although tablets are great tools for learning, we do not recommend tablets for the virtual program.

Do you offer after school clubs?

As a small school, we rely on our teachers to provide after school programming, so we do not have a large catalog of after school sports and activities. 

We are in the process of expanding our after school program offerings.We received a grant from Hennepin Theater Trust for an annual Disney Musical, which is our largest after school program, running from December to May.

Students in our Virtual program are welcome to participate in after school clubs as they are interested and able.

If you would like to lead a club or recommend an outside organization to provide a club at Level Up Academy, please let us know!

Do you give a lot of homework?

No!  We believe that children and families should engage in healthy exercise and family activities in the evening, instead of spending the evening doing homework.  This will help set the foundation for a healthy work-life balance for our children in the future.  

If families would like to help their child make progress in their learning at home, they may talk to their child’s teacher to set up a plan to work on their personalized learning pathway at home.  

Do your students have recess?

Yes!  All students in kindergarten through eighth grade have at least one 30 minute recess every day.  We know it’s important for all students to get outside and move around every day. 

Our school property has 5 acres of green space, and we take advantage of our field and backyard to take movement breaks and  learn outside as much as possible!

Do you offer outdoor education?

Yes!  In addition to the opportunities for outdoor learning on our own campus, we take field trips that emphasize outdoor education. 

Some of our favorite destinations are Tamarack Nature Center, the White Bear Lake YMCA, and William O’Brien State Park.  Our middle school students culminate every year with an overnight tent camping trip that includes kayaking, hiking, campfires and s’mores!

Do you offer sports?

No, we do not have the capacity to offer sports at this time.  However, the state of Minnesota allows charter school students to participate in their home district in any activities that are not offered at the charter school.  We have students who live in the White Bear Lake School District, for example, who participate in sports at Sunrise Middle School.  

What are the biggest benefits of Level Up Academy?

Level Up Academy Middle School is a small community where students receive a lot of personal attention from their teachers. 

Our middle school students say that teachers are not only available to  help with their learning, but they also take the time to support students’ social emotional needs.  

Our teachers supervise lunch and recess, and make sure our #weCODE values, Cooperation, Ownership, Do Your Best, and Everyone Matters are followed even during unstructured times of the school day. 

Our teachers pay attention to the social support that students need to have healthy relationships and to feel emotionally safe at school.  When we see conflicts arise, we use restorative practices to help students problem-solve, which means that we keep problems from escalating.  

Because we are a small community, students work with the same two or three classroom teachers throughout the school day.  Teachers are able to build strong relationships with students and carefully monitor their academic progress in order to provide the right level of support and challenge for each student.

Do you offer music and the arts?

Yes!  In our Live and Fusion programs, students alternate between classes in our Arts Studio and our STEAM Lab.  In our Arts Studio, students have access to guitars, piano keyboards, and a wide range of visual art materials.  In our STEAM lab, they have access to 3-D printers, robotics and a wide range of building and engineering materials.  In our Virtual program, students participate in an Arts curriculum online, and have access to STEAM challenges that can be completed with household materials.  

How is computer science taught at Level Up Academy?

Computer Science is taught K-8th grade at LUA in our Live, Fusion and Virtual pathways.  Our computer science curriculum includes the following components:

Digital Citizenship:

We teach students the skills necessary to be safe and responsible citizens online.  

Digital Skills:

Students learn to be efficient and effective with a wide variety of digital tools, including spreadsheets, slides, graphic design, etc.  

Computer Programming:

Beginning with block coding in the younger grades and progressing into computer programming languages, all students at Level Up Academy learn computer programming.  

Computational Thinking:

Online and offline, Level Up Academy students practice the kinds of thinking that computer scientists do, such as creating algorithms, debugging, and decomposition.

My child was bullied at another school.  What does Level Up Academy do about bullying?

At Level Up Academy, we take a very proactive approach to prevent and eliminate bullying.  We focus on building relationships with students by getting to know our students and taking the time to foster positive relationships between students. 

We build a positive culture at our school through daily Community Building Circles in every classroom. We teach and practice our #weCODE values:  Cooperation, Ownership, Do Your Best, and Everyone Matters, in every aspect of the school community and throughout the school day. 

Teachers provide active supervision throughout the day including during recess and lunch to make sure students are following our #weCODE expectations.  When problems do arise,  we use Restorative Practices to repair harm and restore relationships. 

We use the following restorative questions:What happened?Who was impacted?What do we need to do to make it right?

How do we keep it from happening again? Our students and families tell us that Level Up Academy is a highly positive place to learn.  In a recent survey, 97.9% of families said that Level Up Academy staff create a positive environment at school. 

My child has an IEP.  Will my child receive special education services?

Yes. We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education.  Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming.  We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs in all of our programs. 

Will you ever open a high school?

We hope so! 

Level Up Academy families tell us they’d like to stay through high school!  The planning and approval process for opening a high school in the state of Minnesota is extensive. 

We’ve begun the process that will likely be a multi-year project, beginning with an application and multiple rounds of feedback from the Minnesota Department of Education.

The earliest we would be able to open a high school is the 2025-26 school year.  We’re planning to open a Virtual model first, then expand to Fusion and Live high school programs.  

Do you work with students who have autism?

Yes. We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education.  Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming.  We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs.

LUA Fusion (In-Class / Online Hybrid) FAQ

How does the Fusion Program work?

Students in 6-8th grade are invited to enroll in our Fusion program.  In the Fusion program, students spend 3 days every week learning at school with their peers. 

They spend 2 days learning at home independently.  On the days when Fusion students are at school, we emphasize collaborative project-based learning and social emotional learning. 

On days when Fusion students are working at home, we emphasize independent, focused work time on students’ personalized learning pathways. 

What does the enrollment / admissions process entail?

See below for a detailed explanation.

What are the school hours?

Our school day runs from 8:30 a.m.  - 3:00 p.m.  

All synchronous instruction in the virtual program will happen between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 

For the Live and Fusion programs, arrival time is 8:15 - 8:30 a.m.  Dismissal time is 3:00 - 3:15 p.m.  

Do you offer music and the arts?

Yes!  In our Fusion program, students alternate between classes in our Arts Studio and our STEAM Lab.  In our Arts Studio, students have access to guitars, piano keyboards, and a wide range of visual art materials. 

In our STEAM lab, they have access to 3-D printers, robotics and a wide range of building and engineering materials.  In our Virtual program, students participate in an Arts curriculum online, and have access to STEAM challenges that can be completed with household materials.  

Does the Fusion program offer physical education?

Yes!  In our Fusion program, students have physical education classes in our new gym 2-3 times a week.

Do you offer before and after school care?


Before and After School Care

Level Up Academy is excited to offer Level Up Club, our before and after school program. Level Up Club is located at Level Up Academy (LUA).

Level Up is a licensed certified daycare, and has been approved to operate by the LUA School Board.

The hours of Level Up Club are from 6:30am -8:15 am and 3:15 pm – 5:30 pm on school days.

What is the “Level Up Club” Program?

Level Up Club provides a safe environment and use our #weCODE expectations of Cooperation, Ownership, Do your Best and Everyone Matters. Kids are given an opportunity to explore their own interests, participate in physical activities, express themselves through arts and crafts and socialize with their peers.

Level Up Club offers extra help with homework, educational & fun activities for reasonable & competitive rates.

Schedule for a typical day:

6:30 – 8:15 a.m. Free play/Breakfast/Game Time

3:15 – 5:30 p.m. Free play/Snack/Homework Time

Do you give a lot of homework?

No!  We believe that children and families should engage in exercise and family activities in the evening, instead of spending the evening doing homework.  This will help set the foundation for a healthy work-life balance for our children in the future.  If families would like to help their child make progress in their learning at home, they may talk to their child’s teacher to set up a plan to work on their personalized learning pathway at home. 

Do your students have recess?

Yes!  All students in kindergarten through eighth grade have at least one 30 minute recess every day.  We know it’s important for all students to get outside and move around every day.  Our school property has 5 acres of green space, and we take advantage of our field and backyard to take movement breaks and  learn outside as much as possible!

Do you offer outdoor education?


In addition to the opportunities for outdoor learning on our own campus, we take field trips that emphasize outdoor education. 

Some of our favorite destinations are Tamarack Nature Center, the White Bear Lake YMCA, and William O’Brien State Park. 

Our middle school students culminate every year with an overnight tent camping trip that includes kayaking, hiking, campfires and s’mores!

FAQ image

Do you offer sports? 

No, we do not have the capacity to offer sports at this time.  However, the state of Minnesota allows charter school students to participate in their home district in any activities that are not offered at the charter school. 

We have students who live in the White Bear Lake School District, for example, who participate in sports at Sunrise Middle School. 

What are the biggest benefits of Level Up Academy Middle School?

Level Up Academy Middle School is a small community where students receive a lot of personal attention from their teachers. 

Our middle school students say that teachers are not only available to  help with their learning, but they also take the time to support students’ social emotional needs.  

Our teachers supervise lunch and recess, and make sure our #weCODE values, Cooperation, Ownership, Do Your Best, and Everyone Matters are followed even during unstructured times of the school day. 

Our teachers pay attention to the social support that students need to have healthy relationships and to feel emotionally safe at school.  When we see conflicts arise, we use restorative practices to help students problem-solve, which means that we keep problems from escalating.  

Because we are a small community, students work with the same two or three classroom teachers throughout the school day.  Teachers are able to build strong relationships with students and carefully monitor their academic progress in order to provide the right level of support and challenge for each student.

Are Level Up Academy Students prepared for high school?

Yes!  We keep in touch with our alumni every year and take their feedback seriously. Students who go to large district high schools tell us that at Level Up Academy they learn HOW they learn best and develop effective study skills and time management strategies. 

Because students become more self-directed in their learning in middle school and meet with teachers during weekly mentor meetings, our alumni tell us they know how to advocate for themselves with their high school teachers. 

We also have a lot of students who go to charter schools in high school.  Many students find that they thrive in schools where relationships and 21st Century learning are emphasized like they are at LUA.

Will you ever open a high school?

We hope so! 

Level Up Academy families tell us they’d like to stay through high school!  The planning and approval process for opening a high school in the state of Minnesota is extensive. 

We’ve begun the process that will likely be a multi-year project, beginning with an application and multiple rounds of feedback from the Minnesota Department of Education.

The earliest we would be able to open a high school is the 2025-26 school year.  We’re planning to open a Virtual model first, then expand to Fusion and Live high school programs.  

Do you provide computers?


In the Live and Fusion programs, our K-2 students use iPads and our 3-8th grade students use Chromebooks.  

In the Virtual program we provide all students with new Chromebooks free of charge for use during the school year. 

Students are welcome to use their own technology if that is preferred. 

Although tablets are great tools for learning, we do not recommend tablets for the virtual program.

Will my child be behind a screen all day long?


In our Live and Fusion programs, students receive small group instruction, hands-on practice and project-based learning in addition to learning with technology. 

All K-8 students have a 30 minute recess and teachers often use our 5 acres of green space to learn outside.  

Our virtual program is designed to be flexible and developmentally appropriate for all learners.  Each day your child will have a few mandatory live sessions. 

However, the majority of the day is flexible, asynchronous work.  This flexibility allows families to set their own schedules and allows your children the freedom to set breaks as needed.  

My child has an IEP.  Will my child receive special education services?


We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education.  Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming. 

We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs in all of our programs.  

Do you work with students who have autism?

Yes. We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education. 

Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming.  We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs.

How is computer science taught at Level Up Academy?

Computer Science is taught K-8th grade at LUA in our Live, Fusion and Virtual pathways.  Our computer science curriculum includes the following components:

Digital Citizenship:

We teach students the skills necessary to be safe and responsible citizens online.  

Digital Skills:

Students learn to be efficient and effective with a wide variety of digital tools, including spreadsheets, slides, graphic design, etc.  

Computer Programming:

Beginning with block coding in the younger grades and progressing into computer programming languages, all students at Level Up Academy learn computer programming.  

Computational Thinking:

Online and offline, Level Up Academy students practice the kinds of thinking that computer scientists do, such as creating algorithms, debugging, and decomposition.

LUA Virtual (K-8 Online Learning) FAQ

Can I enroll in Level Up Virtual Academy from anywhere in Minnesota?

Yes.  As long as you reside in the state of Minnesota and meet the K-8 age criteria, you may enroll at Level Up Virtual Academy.  

Does Level Up Virtual Academy supply computers to students?

Yes, we provide all students with new Chromebooks free of charge for use during the school year.  Students are welcome to use their own technology if that is preferred.  Although tablets are great tools for learning, we do not recommend tablets for the virtual program.

Distance learning during the pandemic seemed really messy at my child’s previous school. Is Level Up Virtual Academy different?

Level Up Virtual Academy is an approved online provider recognized by the MN Department of Education. 

Our program and curriculum are intentionally designed for both the virtual setting and flexible lifestyles that our families desire.  We have dedicated teachers, online coaches, and administrators specific to our virtual program.  

Will my child spend the entire day looking at a screen?


In our Live and Fusion programs, students receive small group instruction, hands-on practice and project-based learning in addition to learning with technology. 

All K-8 students have a 30 minute recess and teachers often use our 5 acres of green space to learn outside.  

Our virtual program is designed to be flexible and developmentally appropriate for all learners.  Each day your child will have a few mandatory live sessions.  However, the majority of the day is flexible, asynchronous work. 

This flexibility allows families to set their own schedules and allows your children the freedom to set breaks as needed. 

What does a typical day look like in the Virtual program?

Our virtual program includes 30-60 minutes of daily Synchronous Instruction, when students are learning together online with a teacher. 

Kindergarten through 3rd grade students receive a daily literacy lesson and a daily subject area lesson. 

4th - 8th grade students receive a daily subject area lesson.  Most of the day is spent on Asynchronous Instruction, which is completed online using a flexible schedule. 

Asynchronous instruction includes video instruction, practice activities and games, and formative assessments. 

Students are expected to complete 30-60 Minutes Per Course Daily in Core Courses:

  • Language Arts

  • Math

  • Social Studies

  • Science

  • PE / Art

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Computer Science

    If you have any further questions about daily routine, feel free book an appointment with me through this page and I'll be happy to talk it over with you!

How does personalized learning work in the Virtual program?

At Level Up Academy, we use a blended learning model to personalize learning. We use Learner Profiles and assessments to target individual student needs. Then, while teachers deliver instruction to small groups of students with common needs, students use online tools and hands-on activities to practice skills at just the right level.

Learner Profile

Each student completes a strengths assessment and interest profile so we can understand and teach each unique child.


Students take the Star Assessment and teachers do informal assessments to create a personalized pathway for each student.  

Small Group Instruction

Students with similar needs meet with the teacher for small group direct instruction.

Personalized Pathways

While others are meeting with the teacher, students use online tools personalized to their needs. Games & ActivitiesStudents practice skills with games and hands-on activities.  


Students work on projects to apply and deepen their learning.  

Trophies & Badges

As students learn content and master new skills, they earn digital trophies and badges.

Digital Portfolio

Students share their best work in their Digital Portfolio. 


Teachers meet weekly with students to monitor progress and provide support.   

Student Centered Conferences

Families meet with teachers to celebrate learning, set goals and provide support.

Learning Celebrations

Students celebrate learning with classrooms, families and our community during learning celebrations!

Is the curriculum specifically tailored for online learning?

Yes.  We use a highly rated virtual curriculum so that learning can be seamless.  In addition to core academics, we teach Coding, Habits of Success, and host weekly mentor sessions.  Our daily, mandatory community building circles are designed to foster relationships and allow students to connect with each other daily.

What support is available if my child needs assistance outside of live sessions?

There are several help sessions throughout each day, so your child will always have a teacher ready to assist with academics or troubleshoot any issues.  We offer daily scheduled help sessions when students can join for personalized help.  If assistance is needed outside these daily scheduled help session times, students may use the “You can book me!” process to schedule a help session at a preferred time. Help sessions give parents and caregivers peace of mind to know that they aren't the only adult helpers throughout the day.

How does Level Up Virtual Academy track student attendance?

Taking and reporting daily attendance is a requirement of all public schools, including virtual programs like ours. 

There are two requirements in our attendance process.  Both requirements need to be met in order for a student to be marked present each day.

First, all students are required to join their daily, live community building circles and stay for the entire session. 

Second, daily work completion is an expectation of each student in order to show attendance.  If a student will not be present, an adult must report the reason for absence by emailing or calling our school attendance line.

My child has an IEP.  Will my child receive special education services?

Yes. We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education.  Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming.  We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs in all of our programs.  

What kind of social engagement opportunities are available to Virtual students?

At Level Up Virtual Academy we recognize the power of connection and relationships between teachers, coaches, and peers. This is why we host daily live community building circles led by the teacher and coach for each peer group. These circle times are the foundation for building community and connection.  In addition, we host inclusive celebration days throughout the year - Flannel Fest, Penny Wars, and Pi Day to name a few - where students can join more informal social opportunities as well as field trips for in-person student connections.  All virtual families are welcome to join us at our Level Up Academy campus in White Bear Lake for Family Nights and community events throughout the year!

When does the school day start and end?

Our school day runs from 8:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m.  All synchronous instruction in the virtual program will happen inside of this window.

Does LUA cater to students diagnosed with autism?

Yes. We are a public school approved by the MN Dept. of Education.  Like all public schools in Minnesota, special education services are a part of our programming.  We have dedicated special education teachers and service providers to meet the needs of students with IEPs.

Do you have programs in music and the arts?

Yes!  In our Virtual program, students participate in an Arts curriculum online, and have access to STEAM challenges that can be completed with household materials.  

Is physical education part of the curriculum?

Yes!  In our Virtual program, students participate in physical education through an online course and a physical activity log.

How is computer science integrated into Level Up Academy's program?

Computer Science is taught K-8th grade at LUA in our Live, Fusion and Virtual pathways.  Our computer science curriculum includes the following components:

  • Digital Citizenship: We teach students the skills necessary to be safe and responsible citizens online.  

  • Digital Skills:Students learn to be efficient and effective with a wide variety of digital tools, including spreadsheets, slides, graphic design, etc.

  • Computer Programming: Beginning with block coding in the younger grades and progressing into computer programming languages, all students at Level Up Academy learn computer programming.  

  • Computational Thinking: Online and offline, Level Up Academy students practice the kinds of thinking that computer scientists do, such as creating algorithms, debugging, and decomposition.

What family events or activities are organized by the academy?

We build a strong learning community for families through family events:

  • Back to School Night: We kick off the school year with Back to School Night, a time for families to meet teachers and fellow students.  

  • School-wide Strengths Celebration: In the fall, all LUA students and staff take a strengths assessment and we host a strengths celebration to highlight strengths-based education. 

  • Flannel Fest: One of our favorite traditions in October is Flannel Fest -- Every year, we wear flannel and celebrate fall festivities! All classes spend the afternoon doing fall activities including art projects and games. And, in the evening, families are invited to join the Flannel Fest Fun! Come to LUA for bonfires, fall treats and activities!

  • Service Night: In December, we join together to serve our community with hands-on service projects benefiting our local fire department, humane society, and senior citizens.  

  • Play at LUA: In the spring, we get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather with an evening of yard games and play at the LUA playground!  

Are Level Up Virtual Academy Students prepared for high school?


We keep in touch with our alumni every year and take their feedback seriously. 

Students who go to large district high schools tell us that at Level Up Academy they learn HOW they learn best and develop effective study skills and time management strategies. 

Because students become more self-directed in their learning in middle school and meet with teachers during weekly mentor meetings, our alumni tell us they know how to advocate for themselves with their high school teachers. 

We also have a lot of students who go to charter schools in high school. 

Many students find that they thrive in schools where relationships and 21st Century learning are emphasized like they are at LUA.

LUA Application Process:

Step 1:

Submit Student Application

Required at this stage

  • Primary & Secondary parent/guardian names & details

  • Student Name & address

  • Student Enrollment Grade

  • Student Learning Pathway (In-Class, Online or Fusion)

  • Whether the student you're applying for has siblings enrolled or in the process of enrolling

Space Available

Step 2: Submit Enrollment Form

Required after application approval (later):

  • Student co-resident information

  • Student's Last School Name & Address

  • Student Enrollment Grade

  • Details around your child's spoken language

  • Special education history & requirements

  • Student health information

  • Student emergency contact information

  • Whether the student you're applying for has siblings enrolled or in the process of enrolling



No Space Available


Wait List

  • Level Up Academy will proactively keep parents updated on waitlist status

  • Parents may request automatic updates concerning their child(ren)'s waitlist status



The below documents are required if your application is approved:

Mandatory Submission Checklist for All Applicants:

  • Copy of your child's birth certificate (Clearly legible image of the front & back of the document)

  • Copies of your child's immunization records

Additional Documents Helpful for Certain Applicants:

  • Individualized Program Plan (required if your child has a 504 Plan)

  • Copy of your child's 504 plan (if applicable)

  • Psycho-Educational Assessment (if applicable, submit this to help us understand your child's learning needs.)

  • Legal documentation related to the child’s custody and/or safety (if applicable)

How Do I Submit the Documents?

  • Most digital documents (e.g., PDF files) can be submitted electronically inside the student enrollment form that is provided as the next step following the submission of your application form (if approved)

  • If you have only hard copies, you can either digitize them in order to upload them inside the student enrollment form (which you'll be invited to fill out if your application is approved), or drop them off at the school after the enrollment form has been submitted.

  • If you submit your application form and the enrollment form that follows without uploading all the required documents, your child will be considered enrolled at Level Up Academy but the missing documents will need to be submitted prior to the first day of school. You will receive automated notifications advising which document are missing that you may upload electronically, or drop off in-person at the school.


Hear What Others Say About Learning With Us:

Hear What Others Say About Learning With Us:
